Kpelle language

Spoken in Liberia, Guinea
Native speakers 795,000  (1991)
Language family
Niger–Congo ?
  • Mande
    • Western Mande
      • Southwestern
        • Kpelle
Language codes
ISO 639-2 kpe
ISO 639-3 kpeMacrolanguage
individual codes:
gkp – Guinea Kpelle
xpe – Liberia Kpelle

The Kpelle language is spoken by the Kpelle people and is part of the Mande family of languages. Guinean Kpelle [gkp] (also known as Guerze in French), spoken by half a million people, concentrated primarily, but not exclusively, in the forest regions of Guinea, whose capital, Nzérékoré, is the third largest city in Guinea and the largest city in the Guinée Forestière region of south-eastern Guinea bordering Liberia, Ivory Coast, and Sierra Leone. Liberian Kpelle, spoken by half again as many, is currently taught in schools in Liberia.

External links